Historic Colorado Basin Cooperative Agreement News
Colorado water officials have plan to boost Western Slope's authority
April 28, The Denver Post
Water deal balances Denver, western Colo. needs
April 28, 9News
Hickenlooper hails proposed water deal
April 28, Grand Junction Sentinel
'Historic' Colorado Water Agreement Reached
April 28, KUNC
What they're saying about Colorado water deal
April 28, Denver Business Journal
'Unprecedented' Colorado water deal announced
April 28, Denver Business Journal
Proposed Colorado River Cooperative Agreement: Path to a Secure Water Future
April 28, Denver Water
Colorado water officials announce proposed pact
April 28, The Denver Post
Colorado River deal seeks cooperation over litigation between competing water users
April 28, The Colorado Independent
Colorado: Proposed water deal could end decades of fighting
April 28, Summit County Citizens Voice
Historic water pact counts on cooperation, conservation and reuse
April 28, The Denver Post
BLM will hold fracking forum in Denver, no date set
April 1, The Denver Post
Barn Media 4-1-11: Hunters and Anglers Complain About Proposed Cuts to Conservation Programs
April 4, The Fence Post
Colorado water: agriculture, people and ecosystems compete for a limited supply
April 4, Eat Local
Colorado snowpack low in south, may fuel flooding in north
April 5, The Denver Post
Panel OKs industry-friendly changes to Colorado oil and gas commission
April 5, The Durango Herald
House bill could strip millions from state revenue
April 7, The Colorado Independent
Energy companies to post fracking chemicals online
April 7, Denver Business Journal
Trout unlimited more than a social club
April 8, The Tribune
Sportsman groups oppose DOW, state parks merger
April 9, The Cortez Journal
Cancer-causing chemical spreading from Cotter uranium mill site near Cañon City
April 10, The Denver Post
Merging outdoors agencies leaves some cold
April 10, The Pueblo Chieftain
Governors explore ways to share water
April 12, The Pueblo Chieftain
Williams Warned, Antero Fined For Stormwater Pollution
April 13, KJCT8
Gas industry taking water, one law at a time
April 14, The Durango Herald
New draft Colorado Roadless Rule draws immediate heat from conservation groups
April 14, The Huffington Post
Senate panel OKs rollback of some Colorado ag-land tax breaks
April 15, The Denver Post
Colorado fires could be bigger, more dangerous
April 14, CBS
Tough going on turf? Find spendor in different grass
April 15, The Denver Post
Palisade fruit farms protected
April 16, The Denver Post
Environmental-impact report close on Christo's river-draping project
April 16, The Denver Post
Irrigation return flows feed wetlands
April 16, The Pueblo Chieftain
Muddy Waters: Silt and the Slow Demise of Glen Canyon Dam
April 18, High Country News
Bill addresses conservation tax credits
April 19, The Pueblo Chieftain
New wetlands permits proposed for energy projects
April 18, Summit County Citizens Voice
Colo. officials say some easements overvalued
April 20, The Denver Post
Antero Reservoir operations: Denver Water to drawdown reservoir two feet to study dam
April 21, CDOW
Colorado No. 2 in carcinogen-laced "fracking" fluids
April 22, The Denver Post
Prowers tamarisk project paying off
April 22, The Pueblo Chieftain
500 inches of snow: A season to remember
April 22, Summit Daily
W. Slope water deal surfaces
April 23, The Denver Post
Colo. wilderness areas would increase by thousands of acres under new bill
April 23, The Denver Post
Western Slope, Denver near agreement on water deal
April 22, GJ Sentinel
Arapahoe County water project skipped over usual studies of cost, need
April 25, The Denver Post
Thompson Creek Metals withdraws from molybdenum project near Gunnison
April 25, The Denver Post
Pueblo commissioners point to water, safety concerns in denying nuclear plant
April 26, The Colorado Independent
South Denver suburbs preparing to end reliance on super-deep wells
April 27, The Denver Post
Public tries to come to terms with change to state roadless rules
April 27, The Coloradoan
Western U.S.
Myth of California water shortfalls
April 3, SF Gate
Drought-tolerant garden workshops, plant sales for inland residents
April 5, Los Angeles Times
Unrecycled new light bulbs release mercury into the environment
April 7, Los Angeles Times
Paper Mill Struggles to Run on Logging Waste
April 7, The Wall Street Journal
California farmers, ecologists square off over drinking water pollution
April 8, Los Angeles Times
Virtual Reality Lab Focuses on Conservation
April 8, Science Daily
Boxer Says Budget Package Wouldn't Limit EPA
April 8, The Wall Street Journal
Spraying to Make Yards Green ... But With Paint, Not Water
April 9, The New York Times
Proposal to pipe water to NM's Rio Grande Valley threatens rural area
April 10, The Republic
Calif. park rangers trying birth control for geese
April 11, MSNBC
Western Governors' Water Policy Arm to Consider Water Sharing Recommendations This Week in Santa Fe
April 11, CSU
Hydrologist: 'I wonder if we're going to have too much water'
April 11, KBOI2
Snowmelt, rain major sources of water pollution
April 14, Casper Journal
Arroyo Grande oilfields to use reclaimed water
April 13, Cal Coast News
A Reprieve for Western Water Users
April 14, The New York Times
Sharing key to West's water future, report says
April 14, The Coloradoan
Las Vegas, NM, sees no easy solution to water woes
April 14, MSNBC
1872 mining law threatens Grand Canyon
April 15, Reuters
Sedimentation a building problem in the West's reservoirs
April 20, High Country News
More Utilities Can't Prove Pipe Tests
April 18, The Wall Street Journal
Potent new rat poisons killing California wildlife
April 17, The Sacramento Bee
Los Angeles is building underground water reservoirs near Griffith Park
April 19, Los Angeles Times
Gold mining project in Ore hits clean water snag
April 19, The Seattle Times
Campaign wants 12,000 rain gardens in Puget Sound
April 19, The Seattle Pi
Second massive Southland fish die-off has scientists looking for links
April 20, Los Angeles Times
Builders offer green tract homes with nearly zero utility bills
April 20, USA Today
Real flooding danger comes from delayed snowpack melt
April 20, Salt Lake Tribune
Time to lift ban on uranium mining near Grand Canyon? Deadline nears
April 19, The Christian Science Monitor
$2.8M grant to improve water
April 20, Muskogee Phoenix
Monsanto mine to pay $1.4m penalty for Idaho waterways phosphate pollution
April 21, MineWeb
Lake Tahoe cleanup plan has clear vision
April 20, SF Gate
Wet spring in much of intermountain West
April 21, Summit County Citizens Voice
Water Sharing in the Over-shared West
April 21, High Country News
As workers fall ill and die at Superfund site, the National Guard issues itself a clean bill of health
April 21, Salt Lake Tribune
Hundreds turn out for Lawnmower Trade-In Day
April 23, Los Angeles Times
California Fish and Game struggles to rewrite rules for dredge gold mining
April 24, The Sacramento Bee
It's Raining Rain Gardens
April 22, Sightline Daily
BLM to hold hearings on oil shale development
April 25, The Denver Business Journal
U.S. study says rising temperatures put Western water supplies at risk
April 26, The Sacramento Bee
Human terrarium, Biosphere 2, looking good at 20
April 27, USA Today
Cost-Effective LID in Commercial and Residential Development
April 2011, Stormwater Journal
Plant more plants to prevent pollution from reaching Bay
April 2011, Bay Journal
Down the gravel path with Stephen Orr
April 2, Los Angeles Times
A Philadelphia conference ponders the future of water
April 3, Philly.com
Millions spent to keep water supply clean
April 4, JS Online
Tarrant Regional Water District awaits approval of hydroelectric plant
April 3, Star-Telegram
Driller ordered to halt after well water contaminated
April 4, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Federal Water Tap, April 4: Water Visions from Legislators, Administrators and Scientists
April 4, Circle of Blue
2004 Industry Study Found Chrome-6 Nationwide
April 2011, Environmental Working Group
Dams seem like a simple idea, but are harder to plan and build
April 4, Sacramento Bee
Bill on water-quality programs gets split reaction
April 4, Chicago Tribune
Water Utilities Failed to Alert Public to Presence of Likely Carcinogen, Group Says
April 4, The New York Times
Two Missing After Sewage Spills From Plant
April 5, Huffington Post
Oklahoma sees driest 4 months since Dust Bowl
April 6, The Associated Press
Keeping the wild in National Wildlife Refuges
April 6, High Country News
Better Cleanup Planned at Former Chrome Plant
April6, The New York Times
Judge declares water line warranty program illegal
April 6, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Fix Orleans canal with new one? Locals worried
April 6, MSNBC
Biodiversity Improves Water Quality in Streams Through a Division of Labor
April 6, Science Daily
Hydropower Buzz Gains Momentum With Senate Bills, Administration Investments
April 6, The New York Times
Government Likely to Shut Down Food & Water Protections
April 6, EatDrinkBetter.com
Atlanta hires new watershed leader from DeKalb
April 11, AJC
Officials seek answers in Gatlinburg Wastewater Treatment Plant spill
April 6, KnoxNews
5 Ways to Green Your Lawn While Protecting the Environment
April 7, Old Northeast Patch
AP: Pa. seeks more tests for drilling pollution
April 7, The Wall Street Journal
Senate Rejects Bills to Limit E.P.A.'s Emissions Programs
April 7, The New York Times
Pennsylvania Calls for More Water Tests
April 7, The New York Times
Capillary Condensation Used to Recover Water from Diesel Exhaust
April 7, Daily Tech
Homeowners aren't doing as much as they think to save energy
April 10, Los Angeles Times
EPA to offer to buy easements to protect water near Fernald
April 10, The Columbus Dispatch
'Water Walk' Depicts Struggles of Those Without Access to Water
April 10, WBOY12
Penn State seeks water well owners for gas study
April 11, The Times-Tribune
Oklahoma tribes threaten to sue over Sardis Lake water deal
April 11, NewsOK
Fracking Controversy: Using Water, Sand and Chemicals to Extract Natural Gas from Shale
April 11, Science Daily
Near-record wildlfire numbers in March 2011
April 11, Summit County Citizens Voice
State warns it may restrict water rights if drought intensifies
April 11, Star-Telegram
Hundreds flock to Capitol to protest fracking
April 11, Fox23
Indians Join Fight for an Oklahoma Lake's Flow
April 12, The New York Times
Water officials stress conservation
April 12, My Plain View
Federal Budget Deal Strips Protection from Water, Wild Lands, Wolves
April 12, Environmental News Service
Radioactive Contaminants Removed from Drinking Water Using New Material, Study Suggests
April 13, Science Daily
Investors Oppose Pebble Mine, Call for Clean Water Review
April 13, Environment News Service
Invasive Mussels Causing Massive Ecological Changes in Great Lake
April 13, Science Daily
US researchers say location of algae ponds could boost output, cut water use
April 14, Platts
Former EPA official says new rules could be costly
April 15, Bloomberg Businessweek
3 million trees to be planted in Station fire burn area
April 15, Los Angeles Times
L.A. building new reservoirs in Griffith Park to reduce reliance on Silver Lake reservoir
April 15, Los Angeles Times
Carbon Sequestration Estimate in US Increased, Barring a Drought
April 14, Science Daily
O'Malley plans study of septic system pollution
April 15, The Daily Record
Budget Cuts Mean '18-Month Gap' in Crucial Weather Data, Says Ocean Agency
April 13, Science Magazine
A year on, Gulf still grapples with BP oil spill
April 15, Reuters
State wastes millions on water projects
April 17, Reese News
Group states anti-frack water case
April 18, Times Leader
Corbett: 'I will not let them poison the water.'
April 18, Mcall.com
AWWA Launches The Future Of Water
April 18, Water Efficiency
Pa. urges curbs on Marcellus Shale wastewater
April 19, Philly.com
Va Capitol undergoes runoff-reduction efforts
April 20, Times Union
Researcher Use Trees to Detect Contaminants and Health Threats
April 19, Science Daily
Rising water, sewer rates wouldn't cover annexation
April 20, Winona Post
DC Water chief turns on the public diplomacy to make tap hip again
April 20, Washington Post
2 injection well companies request more time to study possible connection to Ark. earthquakes
April 20, StarTribune
Earth Day encourages being good stewards
April 21, Wyoming Business Report
Thursday legislative roundup: House moves to block U.S. water pollution rules
April 22, Palm Beach Post
Fort Carson achieves Net Zero status
April 21, US Army
Chesapeake stems flow from blown Pennsylvania gas well
April 22, Reuters
Helping Protect the Hudson River
April 22, The Wall Street Journal
Chesapeake Bay grasses decline, water temps, quality eyed as factors in drop of key habitat
April 21, Washington Post
Chesapeake seeks permanent plug for natgas well
April 22, Reuters
Midland Increasing Water Restrictions
April 23, CBS7
Logging in the Lincoln: Rardin, governor to meet about environmental issues
April 24, Alamogordo Daily News
Mo. lawmakers to consider extending water fees
April 24, STL Today
Strong La Niña Winter Soaks Much of the Western United States, But Leaves Southwest Dry
April 24, Circle of Blue
Pennsylvania Official: End Nears For Fracking Wastewater Releases
April 24, Huffington Post
Pediatricians want tighter regulation of chemicals
April 24, Los Angeles Times
Fickle Winds, Intermittent Sunshine Start to Stress U.S. Power System
April 25, The New York Times
Mining claims near Rushmore put memorial on threatened treasures list
April 25, Rapid City Journal
Using Lawn Fertilizer Before It Rains Wastes Money and Pollutes Waterways
April 25, Old Northeast Patch
Climate change to reduce US West water supply - report
April 26, Indian Community News
EPA Proposes Rules for Water Intake Structures
April 24, The National Law Review
Levees ready to burst as rain pounds central US
April 26, Missourian
Study: Dams harm national parks
April 26, AZ Central
Experts: Drought could continue in southern USA
April 25, USA Today
NYPIRG stresses water protection
April 25, Star Gazette
New Art for Lincoln Center: Lawn Care
April 27, The New York Times
NY scientists launch assault on invasive clams
April 26, FresnoBee
Obama Administration Affirms Comprehensive Commitment to Clean Water
April 27, EPA Release
Managing water is Fukushima priority
April 4, BBC News
IKEA to develop green product scorecard
April 5, USA Today
Support for Karoo anti-fracking group
April 6, Sci-Tech
Farmers want Amazon rules relaxed
April 6, Denver Post
Australia Builds Desalination Plants and Pipelines to Bring Water to Mines
April 5, Circle of Blue
Why build-up of fresh water in Arctic could spell trouble for Britain
April 6, The Independent
Water cost blame game continues
April 7, The Age
Dam removal and salmon science
April 7, High Country News
Government Shutdown Would Put Arctic Study on Ice
April 7, The New York Times
Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria in Indian Public Water Supply
April 6, Science Daily
High Levels of Toxic Compounds Found on Coasts of West Africa
April 6, Science Daily
Diverse algae make best pollution sponge
April 7, United Nations Univeristy
The Former East/West Germany Barrier Now a Nature Reserve
April 8, Environmental News Network
Little action apparent on toxic tailings six months after Hungary red mud disaster
April 6, Xpatloop
Iraq's Tanjero River Polluted and Neglected
April 7, Environmental News Service
Watching our water go down the drain
April 10, Calgary Herald
Dishwasher chemicals 'entering water supply' say Brunel researchers
April 11, Uxbridge Gazette
Call for cuts in fertiliser use as nitrogen pollution cost revealed
April 10, The Yorkshire Post
The Worldwide 'Thirst' For Clean Drinking Water
April 11, NPR
Fish carried up a mountain on backs of llamas to escape global warming
April 12, The Telegraph
Water company clears pipes with ice
April 11, EDIE Net
Europe's Wildlife Under Threat from Nitrogen, Study Warns
April 13, Science Daily
India's Water Crisis Is Already Here
April 14, The Wall Street Journal
Hungary Still Recovers From Red Sludge Spill
April 14, The Wal Street Journal
Cuba's Deep-Water Drilling Proposal Raises Concern
April 14, The Wall Street Journal
Libya -- Oil, Water, Gold Are the Real Issues
April 14, The Huffington Post
Filtering out Pesticides With Genetically Modified Bacteria
April 14, Science Daily
£100 million cash boost for English waterways
April 13, The Independent
Warming seas could push some fish species to limit: study
April 18, Reuters
As seas rise, cities retreat
April 18, High Country News
Decision Looms for Laos Dam, but Impact Is Unclear
April 17, The New York Times
Water Pumping Begins at Japan Nuclear Reactor
April 19, The New York Times
Higher water prices could solve shortage - report
April 14, Zawya
China's Fledgling Ski Industry Soaked Over Water Use
April 20, Wall Stret Journal
Entire Gulf of Mexico Reopened to Fishing a Year After BP Spill
April 19, Environmental News Service
Salt Water Shows Promise as Battery Juice
April 21, Wired
Fat Turns Into Soap in Sewers, Contributes to Overflows
April 21, Science Daily
Volunteers around the world put old weather data online
April 22, Los Angeles Times
Development in Fog Harvesting Process May Make Water Available to the World's Poor
April 21, Science Daily
Seasonal water metering is seen as a con by consumers, study finds
April 24, The Guardian
Colorado climber to focus on global water issues
April 24, Summit Country Citizens Voice
Transocean flaws led to deadly blast, Coast Guard finds
April 24, Los Angeles Times
London Olympics pollution on course to land Britain hefty fine from IOC
April 24, The Guardian
Endocrine disrupting pollutants found in sea turtles
April 25, Summit County Citizens Voice
Peregrine falcons face new pollution threat
April 25, Summit County Citizens Voice
California turns to Mexico for Cheap Water, Little Regulation
April 25, DC Bureau
Many thanks to Loretta Lohman at npscolorado.com for compiling many of the news articles in this report.
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